The 3H Program is a non-for-profit community organisation providing activities for primary school students in Year 3-6, offering a free experience for students to engage in new subjects to supplement the standard school curriculum of Australia (more specifically Victoria). Series of workshops consisting of a combination of content and creative challenges encourage students to unleash their creativity and express themselves freely.

Workshops are taught and planned by mentors in Years 7 - 12 recruited through a rigorous selection process. All our mentors are talented individuals who seek to channel their passion for learning into volunteering and mentoring students. Volunteering as a mentor is an experience that builds teamwork and leadership skills, benefitting them in future endeavours. Allowing older students to take up leadership opportunities, our mentors form stronger connections of younger students, fostering an engaging and dynamic learning environment.



Hi, my name is Chloe and I'm 19 years old. I have always been a strong maths and science person, and have since greatly developed both my technical and leadership skills through participating in many competitions, such as the science olympiads and the Da Vinci Decathlon. I am also highly interested in many other fields, playing piano and flute, as well as participating in debating and a few community service initiatives. I hope that through my leadership and community service initiatives, I can help the wider community in times of need.

Notable Achievements:

  • AMC High Achievers Award

  • AIMO - Distinction

  • National Physics Olympiad - High Distinction

  • Deakin University Young Achiever Award

  • Kangourou Sans Frontières - High Distinction

  • Cambridge University (UK) offer holder


Hi, my name is Xingy and I’m 20 years old. My interest in science/engineering began as a result of all the supportive teachers and mentors around me and it has become very important to me that I do the same for the upcoming generation of students. My aim as a member of the 3H Program is the cultivate the same environment my teachers did and encourage students to pursue their interests beyond the school curriculum. I am currently studying Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Melbourne and I work as an adjudicator and trainer for the Debaters Association of Victora.

Notable Achievements:

  • TEDxCasey 2019 Youth Speaker

  • DAV Debating Finals (Top 32 in 2018, Top 16 in 2019)

  • Science Talent Search Bursary Winner (2013, 2016-2018)

  • ANSTO AINSE WISE School 2021 participant

  • University of Melbourne Robotics, Engineering and Competition Society Vice President, Logistics Subteam Lead 2022-


Hi, my name is Bo and I’m 17 years old. From a young age, I have been extremely interested in science, math and history. I have achieved exemplary marks in these areas, achieving high distinction in various competitions. Over time, my passion for these subjects has only grown. I am also quite a selfless person, heavily involved in community service, music and rowing; on top of that, I also have had experience in multiple leadership positions.

Notable Achievements:

  • Jullian Hill Community Spirit and Leadership award

  • Science Talent Search Bursary Winner (2016-2018)

  • Shortlisted for BHP Billiton Science and Engineering award


The General Committee Members

Our general committee members have played a major part in the operation and planning of the 3H program, and do much of the work that happens behind the scenes. They are a key part of the 3H Program, and are irreplaceably important to the operation and progress of the program up to now and into the future.


Hi, I am Jerry and I am 18 years old! In my years of schooling, I have developed a special passion for maths and science, having participated in many maths and science competitions. I am also an active musician and have participated in a Concert Band as a clarinet player since year 7 and an Orchestra since year 8.

I have enthusiastically participated in many school activities, including DAV debating, AGSV, and space camp in America.

Notable Achievements:

  • AMC - Distinction

  • ICAS - Distinction



Hi, I’m Eric and I am in year 12. Maths has always been my specialty, and I have come to enjoy it over the years. I often participate in maths competitions and have achieved highly in them. I also partake in rowing at school and have been passionate about Community Service since year 7. I am also a capable musician. I play the Cello and Piano and am the section leader for one of my school’s orchestras.

Notable Achievements:

  • AMC - Prize

  • AMT Maths Challenge - Distinction

  • CAT - High Distinction


Hi, my name is Kate, and I am in year 11. I am passionate about leadership and have had several leadership positions throughout my schooling. I also enjoy various academic subjects such as Maths and English, having participated in many Maths competitions growing up. Additionally, I am fond of public speaking and participate in DAV debating. I also partake in a wide range of co-curricular activities consisting of GSV cross country, GSV athletics, rowing, Duke of Edinburgh Award, and more.

Notable Achievements:

  • 2019 Junior Division Public Speaking Competition Finalist

  • Top 5% Maths Olympiad

  • Middle school leader 2020



Hi, I’m Lily and I am in year 11. My main strengths are maths and science, but as I grew up, I began to branch out in my interests and currently am very passionate about English literature, poetry analysis and creative expression. Languages are something I really enjoy learning, and while I learn Chinese at school, I spend a lot of time studying other languages in my own time. I have been involved in community service at school since Year 6, and now I have diversified my participation in other programs such as the Salvation Army.

Notable Achievements:

  • AMC - High Distinction

  • International Chemistry Quiz - High Distinction

  • KSF - Distinction

The Mentors

All of our mentors are highly enthusiastic, passionate students from years 7 to 12. They were recruited through a rigourous process which involved an application and interview process. We are proud to say that every single one of them has been amazing and are excited to teach!

  • Andy W

  • Caity S

  • Cynthia S

  • Debra Z

  • Emily G

  • Eric L

  • Grace T

  • James T

  • John W

  • Jerry L

  • Kate Z

  • Kevin

  • Kye-May

  • Lily S

  • Lin

  • Lucas D

  • Maxine F

  • Miranda S

  • Oscar W

  • Rhea A

  • Richard

  • Sahana S

  • Sean H

  • Zoe