The Journey of Debating 辩论之旅 -Xingy Huang

This article was written by 3H’s Co-Founder and President Xingy Huang and is currently available in English and Chinese. It was originally posted on the 27th of May 2021 through Frank Huang’s Official WeChat Account.

They say that the memories you keep from school are not the nights you stay up late cramming for that assessment you have the next morning, the times you receive an unsatisfactory grade, the stress you feel pilling on top of you like the mountain of assignments and tasks that your teachers have requested for. Instead, they say the memories and lessons you keep are the ones made from joining extra-curricular activities in school.


I am sure you have heard this piece of advice so many times you could finish the sentence for them. I too, once believed this was just a cliché spread by students older than me, however, having graduated and completed VCE in 2020, what these older students once told me truly did ring true.


In high school, I was that student who tried their hand at everything, whether it was sports, art, musicals, dance, leadership roles, community service, public speaking, just to name a few. However, the one activity that remains at the forefront of some of my fondest high school memories is debating.


I was first exposed to debating at a primary school public speaking night and formally began my debating journey through the Debaters Association of Victoria's (DAV) Junior Secondary Program (JSP) for debating in Year 7. Needless to say, my three weeks in JSP were rather interesting in that my team lost every single debate. Despite being gut-wrenchingly heartbroken initially as young students who were frankly quite naïve in thinking a 4-point loss was a very close debate (a 4 point loss is in fact a considerable loss…), we were given an immense amount of encouragement from the adjudicators despite our shortcomings and for my team, this resonated deeply within us. We were determined to come back next year and improve on the areas we lacked in.

我第一次接触辩论是在小学的公开演讲之夜,而后通过参与维多利亚州辩论者协会(DAV)初中项目(JSP)中的7年级辩论赛,正式开始我的辩论之旅。可想而知, JSP的那三周活动对我而言是值得关注的,我的团队输掉了每一场辩论赛。尽管作为新手当初感受到那种撕心裂肺的沮丧,但坦率地说,我们仍非常天真地认为4分的失利是一场比分很接近的比赛(实际上4分是一个相当大的差距......)。尽管我们存在缺点,但我们仍得到了裁判的大力鼓励,并在我们队员的内心引起了深深的共鸣。我们决心提高我们的不足之处,来年再见。

Year 8 saw my team enter the main high school debating competition known simply as the DAV Schools Competition. Once again, we lost our first debate, but we still had the same passion and determination to take the feedback given to us and continuously improve. We finally made our breakthrough the following year with our first ever win in the 2nd round that year and even won the next 3 rounds for the year.


We returned to the competition once again in Year 9, not with the determination or goal to win every single round, but to make sure we were constantly developing, improving, and solidifying our debating skills. Very quickly, we discovered that it was not the drive to win that brought us results but rather being grateful for the opportunity we were given to be better than we were in the previous round and to not be afraid of making mistakes. The year finished with my team placing 2nd overall in the region, narrowly missing out on a place in the DAV Finals.


Everything we had learnt from debating for the three years prior to Year 10 led us to become the overall region winners in 2018 and being the first team from my school in 5 years to do so, a feat none of us would have ever imagined as Year 7's. That year's DAV Finals saw us place in the top 32 of approximately 400 teams across Victoria. Having realised what we were capable of achieving, the next year saw us defend our regional winner’s title and place in the top 16 in Victoria in the 2019 DAV Finals, something that to this day still feels surreal to me. Unfortunately, Year 12 for me saw the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and sadly we were not able to defend our title one last time.


For us, debating was a way to push ourselves and constantly strive for our personal best, whether we were winners or not (however that is not to say that victories were sweet and were always welcomed). Winning was simply a by-product of our hard work and determination, but what we took away the most were the skills we gained while debating, such as basic persuasion skills, communication, the use of body language and our voices to enhance persuasion, but most importantly teamwork. It was our drive to constantly improve that brought my team to where we were, and this is a lesson that I will never forget. As with other things in life, achieving success is always satisfying but ultimately, it is the journey that we take that is what makes our experiences meaningful and memorable. To me, debating was a way for me to build up my public speaking and general communication skills in a competitive yet learning environment, filled with the ambition and purpose to deliver a better debate each and every time, all while learning about the mechanics of persuasion and the beauty of words.


Having graduated and almost completed my first semester of university, these experiences and lessons learnt from my 6 years of debating have still stuck with me and as it seems, have even come full circle. As of December 2020, I became accredited as an official adjudicator for the DAV Schools Competition and qualified trainer of primary school debating programs for the DAV. Where I once stood in front of an adjudicator, persuading them into believing that some of my made-up statistics were true or that we as humanity would in fact build a Jurassic Park, I now sit in front of 6 eager high school students just like my former self, adjudicating their debates. Seeing these high school students debate is a meaningful reminder of the nights I stayed up late frantically writing my speech, scouring the internet for every single rebuttal possible and also what it meant to have a growth mindset and always strive for my personal best. These memories are ones I will never forget and are a constant reminder of my crazy, event filled high school days.


Xingy (on the left) opening the 2019 TEDxCasey Youth Talks at Bunjil Place

Xingy (on the left) opening the 2019 TEDxCasey Youth Talks at Bunjil Place


Whether you are currently in primary school or high school, debating is one of the best extra-curricular activities you can involve yourself in. It is a great opportunity to develop public speaking and teamwork skills which can be translated into other situations you may find yourself in in life.


DAV offers training sessions for students in primary school and all it takes to participate is to let your teacher know you are interested in debating. Hopefully, they can sign your class or year level up to a training session with the DAV. If you are lucky, you may even see me there as the trainer!


For those in high school, the JSP Debating for Year 7’s and 8’s or the flagship DAV Schools Competition for those in Year 9 to Year 12 (Year 7’s and 8’s are welcome to debate in this competition too) are the competitions for you. Once again, all it takes is for you to express your interest to your English or extra-curricular teacher if debating is not already offered at your school. Otherwise, if your school already has a pre-existing network set up for students to participate in JSP or DAV, feel free to sign up through your school to get started.

对于高中生,JSP辩论7年级和8年级或者DAV旗舰学校,可参与到9至12年级的比赛中(7年级和8年级也欢迎参加此类辩论赛)。重申一次,如果你的学校还没有为学生提供参与辩论赛的机会,那么你要做的事是向你的英语或课外老师表达你的兴趣。如果你的学校已经建立好了参赛的网络,供学生参加JSP 或 DAV,那么请随时通过你的学校去注册参与。

If you are in Year 12 this year and would be interested in becoming an adjudicator once you graduate high school, information about adjudication training is available here.


You do not need to have debating experience to become an adjudicator, however, prior experience is always welcome. This job offers many opportunities to expand your skillset and reach into other areas of public speaking.


More information about DAV and their competitions and services are available by accessing this link.

欲了解有关DAV 及其竞赛和服务的更多信息,请访问此链接。


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