The Legend trilogy is a compelling series set in a futuristic North America, where the continent is divided into the Republic in the West and the Colonies in the East. Day is a teenage boy living in the slums and the Republic’s most wanted criminal. June is the Republic’s prodigy, one of the top agents of the military, despite only being fifteen. When June’s brother is murdered in cold blood, Day is accused of being the prime suspect. As their paths cross, they soon learn that there is so much hidden under the surface, and as they slowly uncover the secrets of the war-torn country they live in, the truth begins to unfurl.
The Legend series is filled with mystery and suspense, and packed full of plot twists and ultimate betrayals. As the characters begin to understand the world around them, they learn about when to take risks, when to stand one’s ground, and the reader too discovers the tenacious bonds of family and the purpose of belonging when the world you once knew and adored comes apart at the seams. A story of love and sacrifice, growth and reflection, the Legend trilogy ultimately teaches us the lengths one would go to save the people they love most.